You are getting older, so fast I can hardly believe it. I am so happy that you still find wonder in the world, that you are not scared to be yourself, that you march to your very own beat...
You make me smile with your laughter....the way your sweet nose crinkles up, while your eyes practically squeeze shut, and your laughs come out in precious tiny gasps. When you wrap your little arms around me, I want to stop time to savor the seconds of your youth.
As I look at you this summer, and think of summers past, I am amazed at your fearlessness in the water- swimming without any floats, jumping off of the diving board, and swimming the full length of the pool by yourself. I am shocked by the length of your legs- so long and lovely, ready to carry you away into the world. You make my head spin with all the wonderful things that you know...the questions you think to ask...the answers you seek...I am knocked out a thousand times over listening to you read your favorite book.
When you start school this fall, a whole new world will open up to you...there will be things you already know, but also much, much more that you don't. Won't it be fun to make new friends, learn something new each and every day, and discover a brand new place? I will be excited to hear about all of the fabulous fun things you do each day!
I hope you realize, dear one, how very much you are loved...from the first moment I ever held you in my arms, my heart was swollen with love...and now these days, I am near bursting!
I love you, sweet girl.
Your Andi
For more Best Shot Monday photos and stories, head over to Melody's this week!
What sweet shots of a sweet girl. Love your letter :)
What a precious tribute! She is a lucky little girl to have you as her aunt!
What a poignant letter to your lil one... as an avid auntie myself, I totally understand just how much of your heart that little girl has. It was just beautiful.
What a sweet letter - my family is not close at all, and I would have loved to have family say things like this to me when I was little. Lucky girl!
What a sweet letter! And beautiful shots...awesome garden in the back!
I love that second shot of her sitting on the step. The flowers in the background and the wood walkway it's a nice shot. :)
Kids grow up to quick it's true. My 3 year old is laying next me as I type this on my laptop telling me he is typing on my arm. And ticking my arm in the process. It's too cute. :)
Perhaps I need to write M a little letter and tuck it away in her scrapbook.
I miss you, my friend. We're going away for a few days this weekend. Let's get together very, very soon after that.
What a sweet awesome that you can have such a close relationship with your niece!
She is beautiful, and looks like she is such a sweetie. Lovely shots.
The garden is gorgeous.
I miss my niece. I think I will write her a letter. Thanks for the inspiration.
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