Sometimes late in the summer I have bouts of insomnia...usually it is because I start having massive anxitety about school starting again. When I am able to actually fall off into dreamland, I have nightmares about showing up for school on the first day in my pajamas, without shoes, in the most God-awful clothes or that I have forgotten completely how to teach...
Well, in case you do not have a calendar handy or you just woke up from a coma, it is not the end of the summer. My summer JUST began. And I can not sleep.
First, I should confess how much I LOVE to sleep. When I was pregnant with our daughter, the husband (who was then the boyfriend) would often say, "Are you sure you are ok? I have NEVER met anyone who could sleep as much as you do..." When I was a young child, my mother would put me to bed so early that the sun had not gone down, and I would exclaim, "But I still hear kids playing outside!" She would pull the room darkening shades down, tell me a story, and allow me to drift off into dreamland, because she KNEW without a FULL night's sleep, I was a total grump! On the other hand, in my college days, I could totally pull off all nighters...remember I was a new mother, married, and living in my parent's home back in those days. Staying up all hours of the night was expected with a new baby and school work! Even later, when we moved into our first home, I spent MANY nights up into the wee hours of the morning writting papers and reading class assigned literature. Somehow, my body, the older I have gotten, just can NOT do this anymore. It's like I hit some magic age and I literally start yawning at 11:00. This last year, I made it to bed earlier and earlier every night...and just LOVED it. I adore my luxurious 800 thread count sheets, my comfy mattresses, snuggling with my husband and our cats...I crave our bed when I have been out of it for too long. Often on Saturday mornings, if I have nothing particular planned and if the phone does not ring and if everyone leaves me alone, I will sleep ALL afternoon. No joke. Sad, but selfishly true.
So, all of this being said...I can not sleep.
Today is Saturday. I have nothing particular to do today. My husband is at work. My daughter is asleep. The phone has not rung, and yet I am AWAKE. I have been awake since 8:30 am. Before that, I was awake when the husband's alarm clock went off at 5:15 am. Before that I had just come to bed at 2:30...This is how last night went for me:
12:00 mindnight- the husband kisses me good night.
1:18- I am reading blogs, trying to get sleepy. I still feel WIDE AWAKE.
(by the way, if you have not done so, check out The Pioneer Woman. I found her on someone else's blog, and she is a HOOT! I read her entire story of how she met Marlboro Man. It will make you swoon...)
2:30- I decide this is ridiculous. If I just go on in and get into bed, sleep WILL come.
2:37- I notice that the neighbor's dogs are barking AGAIN.
(now, I am a pet LOVER; I have five cats. But they do NOT bark. They have five dogs. And they bark! Every single night. One of them starts barking, and then it turns into sort of a howl. Our bedroom, unfortunately for me, is on the side of the house that is closest to the area where the dogs are. The husband is a bit deaf; he wears two hearing aids- from YEARS of damage from being a musician in a band- he does not wear said hearing aids to sleep; he can NOT hear the dogs. They only disturb ME.)
2:45- dogs are still barking...I am still awake. I have begun to toss and turn.
2:53- I must be sort of asleep, because I do not really hear the dogs anymore, but I do hear this tiny whistle sound...it is MY NOSE....like I am having some sinus issue and can not fully breathe out of my right nostril. I get up. I blow my nose, and blow my nose...trying to make the whistle stop!
3:17- I am begging God at this point to help me sleep...it must work for an hour or so.
5:00- For some reason, my eyes fling open, and I think, "his alarm will go off in a few minutes..."
5:15- The alarm goes off...he gets up, and gets ready for work. The dogs are barking again.
6:15-The husband comes to kiss me goodbye; he is leaving for work.
And then from 6:15 until 8:30 or so, BLISS! I must have slept...I did not recall it, so I must not have enjoyed it. And now I am AWAKE again.
This is very similar to how my last SEVERAL nights have gone...I do try to read different things to help sleep come- a mystery that my mom gave me (I finished it in one night) a school related book about pedagogy (would usually put anyone to sleep! not me), so last night, I tried reading blogs. No such luck. Any ideas? Any suggestions?? This is far too early in my summer to start having this problem. I NEED to sleep.
I am holding onto hope that when my family and I go to the beach- that wonderul place that I LOVE more than anywhere in the world- I will be so at peace and relaxed, I will be able to sleep. We leave on Father's Day! Here's hoping...
I hope your weekend is filled with bliss and epecially SLEEP!
Image credit.
P.S. I am going to read the article related to this image...it is about sleep disorders and allergies. hummm...very interesting!
Wishing you sweet dreams from a fellow insomnia sufferer.
Andi, Andi, Andi...
I'm actually laughing my behind off at you. I have no good solution to your problem. Your nose problem started the giggles and by the end of your post, I was laughing out loud.
I love you, friend. Want to have lunch one day this week?
So what's on your mind then Andi? Something must be.....try putting your finger on it....it might help. If not, there's always hot milk....
I certainly hope you found some sleep sometime. I have to agree with you, I like to sleep too. :) And I never feel like I get enough of it. I've got a snoring husband who likes to watch TV late into the night and barking dogs in the neighborhood. That combination wakes me often, oh how I wish I was a deep sleeper.
And yes, Pioneer Woman has a neat blog. I've been there too.
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