(each torch is in honor of a cancer survivor or in memory of a cancer victim)
I took these photos one month ago at our county's 2008 Relay for Life...where participants celebrate...remember...and fight back in honor of cancer survivors and victims.
A woman with whom I work named Deborah saw this same sight one year ago, when she walked in the survivor's lap, celebrating and fighting along with the rest of us, determined not to let cancer win...only to discover several months later, her cancer had returned with a vengence.
What a difference a year makes.
How can we know what will happen in only a year's time? What will happen to us in another year? What pains, sorrows, frustrations, or disappointments will we know in this next year? How do we deal with this uncertainty; what is it that keeps us sane in the face of such odds? Have you ever felt the weight of sorrow for someone else...just not really knowing what to do for them to ease this pain?
My heart has been heavy for Deborah this year. I have done so little for her, and I feel ashamed because of this. I shy away because of my own fears...but time is ticking. I hear it in my ears.
My mother suffered with breast cancer 14 years ago. She is now in remission, and I worry every day that, like Deborah, this might be the year it returns. Tick tock...
My cousin, Carolyn, also had breast cancer, and like Deborah, it has returned and spread. She takes each day one day at a time...tick tock...
I can not tell you how strong these women are...their strength causes me to marvel in awe at the love of God; His hand is on their lives. He has a plan for them...it is not for me to know or to understand. But still, I wonder at the passage of time....what it holds for these women, for me, for us all.
I know this is not the most uplifting post...but it is what is on my heart concerning time.
Please do not let it pass before you go and get checked by your doctor...do not wait until it is too late to get a physical...make your health one of your priorities!
There is HOPE for the future...one day, someone's son or daughter will be the genius who discovers the cure to this dreadful disease!

I have spent my last several posts pondering time concerning my own child's life...how is it that she can possibly be nineteen??? Time is such a curious concept...I know only one thing about it with certainty- it flies by...
Take the time to view everyone else's Theme Thursday posts here.
What a great post. And beautiful images!
I think this is the perfect way to remind us about "time". Great post.
I wonder when it will be 'time' to finally find a cure....
Great post about time. I have been putting off going to the doctor, but know that is something we all have to do. One of my friends at work found out she had breast cancer last year, and she is now in remission. It's good to hear a happy story now and again...
That first shot is amazing! And we can never let go of hope. Thank you for sharing this story. I lost my own mother to cancer 13 year ago. I miss her every day. she was a very strong woman.
I like your last emphasis on hope. It's so important and at the same time people lose it more easily than many of are willing to admit.
My step son is going to be 18 in February and I'm just not sure where the time went. I've only lived with him for 6 years but it seems like forever all at once.
Thanks for the comments on my thursday post. When considering the steady shot, try a tripod. My parents got a great little one with these cool wraparound legs that attach to almost everything. Works great. :)
"Have you ever felt the weight of sorrow for someone else...just not really knowing what to do for them to ease this pain?"
My answer: yes...9 times over...and if I don't know anything else...just being there for them helps. Don't wait. Don't ever, ever hesitate...as Pastor John said last Sunday, "Don't wait until someone is dead to say what they have meant to you. Say it NOW."
Beautiful shot of the torches. They always touch my heart when I see them at our RFL.
Great post.
Tough post but very worthwhile. At our church people seem to be falling like flies to cancer or leukaemia. One of the Mothers (she has 4 kids) has just had a double mastectomy and is currently undergoing chemotherapy. She has shaved her head, and with the exception of cold days doesn't even bother with a wig...and she looks GREAT. She is one of those strong people you mention. My own Grandparents fell, 3 out of 4 of them to cancer, but I try not to let it into my mind and heart. We have come so far in such a short time......
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