Not feeling so great...nothing hugely wrong...just not feeling like myself lately. Had a great time at the conference...sadly, no photos though! Absolutely no time for that...was disappointed, but amazed by all that I learned there, especially amazed by a keynote speaker I heard- a Georgia author, Melissa Fay Greene, who has written a book called There is No Me Without You. As soon as I am able, I am heading straight to the bookstore to purchase this book. She made me laugh, cry, think, worry about the world, DREAM...I wanted to know her, have coffee with her, chat about her story...or at the very least, curl up in my bed and READ her fabulous book. Now, THAT I can do.
Ohh---ooohhhh! Me, me! I want to read it, too!
Maybe when B/N moves to its new location, we can go one day and buy a copy and have a cup of coffee. It might not be as good as having her with us, but we could enjoy each other's company!
Methinks you may have a touch of post-conference blues????
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