Incapable of getting off the couch.
Daydreams about things that should be done, and then does not do them.
Wakes up ridiculously late, then naps off and on throughout the day.
They say confession is good for the soul....
I am not good (REALLY no good) without the routine of the school year. As a teacher, I
need the meetings, the bells, the paper work, and the lesson plans...Summer causes me to wallow in a pit of quicksand, slowly drowning...to the point of heartburn...oh, maybe that was what I ate for dinner.
My mother used to say, when I complained of boredom, "Oh, you are
bored? Well, I have something you can do..." It was never something wonderfully exciting like
shrinky dinks or a game of
Parcheesi. No, it was scrubbing the bathrooms, or folding laundry. I need a summer job, I think. Perhaps I will look in to that for next summer. This one is almost over. *sigh*
Do not get me wrong...I enjoy the beach...the sand ,the surf, the sounds. I
need that as well- for my sanity. And summer is just about the only time I get that...It's just that
in between the beach trips and a few other things that I do over the summer, I get lost. Lost aimlessly wandering through my days wondering what to do...I have no plan for the days. No little ones to chase after. No schedules to keep. The days are endless open plains...I know what you are thinking...
you would love to have just ONE day like this, and what the hell am I belly aching about anyway?! Well, excuse me. This is a pity party for one, and I get to cry if I want to.
Perhaps my hormones are out of whack, and I would feel better after a good night's sleep. Yes.
Tomorrow is another day, and I will find something constructive to do with my time. I will surely let you know what that is...but in the meantime, thank you for having such a great life and for blogging about it, so I can at least fill up a few hours each day.