Monday, May 19, 2008

BSM: Honoring Girl Power

This is MEB again, my niece, the girliest girl you will ever 5 years old, she gets her nails done at the salon with her mom...she LOVES baby dolls...she dresses up like a princess whenever she gets the chance...she takes dance every Tuesday evening...her favorite color is PINK...she sings along with Hannah Montana just as loud as all of the other girls...BUT she totally rocks the T-ball field! She swings a bat as powerful as any boy; she takes the bases as fast as she can, and she gets down and dirty with the rest of the team!
This evening, I had the honor of attending MEB's last game of the season. Her team completely nailed it with a score of 28-11. I was so proud and touched to see this sweaty, serious side of her. Then, I thought...that is the mystery of GIRLS! We CAN have it both ways! We can do ANYTHING! Today, I am honoring the girly tomboy in ALL of us. Hope you have a GREAT week doing something that you love.
To check out what everyone else is honoring, take a look at other lovely shots at Mother May I?!

P.S. Like Tracey's my shot is borrowed. A team dad / photographer took it, and I am borrowing it since all of the photos that I took this evening were so awful. Maybe one day, I will have a decent camera!


Maggie said...

She is just adorable - look at her, being a princess AND a ball player!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. I know just how that feels!

natalie said...

I want to find that tom-boyish-ness in me! I'm always steadfast in the middle...not completely pink, but not completely blue either. M, however, is most decidedly a tom-boy who LOVES her pink. She can hold her own with a class full of boys and she can dress her babies. Love that picture and can't wait to spend some time with MEB.

Arizaphale said...

Aw I was just going to praise you for that picture too. It is a classic!! I LOVE being a tomboy girly girl. I'm the one on the roof cleaning out the gutters and then I'm down and into my high heels for a ball!!! Ain't it grand?