Nineteen. My baby girl will be nineteen on Sunday, June 1, at 2:22 pm. I am struggling with this birthday, like I know she is. She has hit a hard place in her life, where things do not seem so easy and the path is not as clear as it once was. She is really searching for a direction...and I can not come to her rescue like I have been able to do her whole entire life. She has to be the one to forge on and create her very own path...This hurts me because I do not know where she will end up. I want so much to protect and shield her from the sorrows and frustrations in life. I do know that this is not possible. I also realize that these are the things in my own life that make me just who I am...the things that help me to be strong and capable. I believe there is something wonderful in store for her life...she will make her way in this world!
Just when I thought every trace of that baby girl I once loved was gone, she springs on me that she wants a Jasmine know, the Disney princess, Jasmine. We are having my parents and a few of the daughter's friends over for baked ziti, salad, tea, ice cream and cake...not just any baked ziti though, baked ziti made with princess pasta! I found this in our local grocery store, and the daughter begged for it like a two-year old! I gave in, and jokingly said, "This is what we should have for your birthday dinner." That started the Jasmine adventure...I will let you know how things turn out, and post pictures.
Hope your weekend includes family fun as well. Have a nice one!
We'll drop our gift off tomorrow while she is away. She did great today and we are SO thankful for her. Love to all three of you!
It does not seem like 17 years have passed. I was there to celebrate her 2nd her first "spend the night" hang out, go to many "Family Nights" at the mall...and various and sundry other events. She will find her way, you may have to force yourself to allow it...
She has grown into a beautiful young woman. I have a tiny gift for her as well, if I don't see you at church, I will bring it by later.
This post is so bitter sweet. I can relate to it from two perspectives. As a mother of a rapidly growing girl, reaching out tendrils of independence and as the step mother of a 19 year old boy, paralysed with the fear of not knowing where he fits into the scheme of things and, like a cornered animal, lashing out at those of us who love him and try to help. Perhaps I should throw a tea towel over him? I haven't tried that yet....
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