The pool is officially open. The flower pots and flower beds are planted; the fountains are flowing again. The deck is swept clean, and the tables don new umbrellas dressed in this season's finery...For years, we have gathered our belongings and headed to this place, an oasis for the world weary, the pool at my parent's home...this is THE place where we vacationed when I was young. Who needed Florida, when you could simply walk out to the back deck and take the most refreshing plunge into the crystal clear waters of this lovely pool? This is the place where I feel most comfortable in the least flattering of clothing, my bathing suit. This is where my child (now almost 19) took her first naps when she was only days old...where she first learned to swim, to dive, and sunbathe...where countless children have learned to love the water without fear. This is where sunscreen, floats, snuggly beach towels, pool toys, flip flops, books of every genre, and sometimes tropical drinks are to be found each and every day of the summer.

This day marks our
first swim of the season...we have all emerged like flowers reaching for and following the sun. We have gathered together once again, with the hopes of more family fun and wonderful moments in this, our sacred place. The scent of the nearby grill effortlessly searing the tender morsels of meat is always making our mouths water for what wonders will soon come...while we wait, we float, we dive; we enter beneath the surface of the water, hoping to escape the troubles of what lies above us...letting it all slip away for just a moment...aaahhhh, the first day of our official summer.

Hope your holiday brought you wonderful times with family and friends. For more wonderment and lovely places, check out everyone elses'
Best Shot Monday.
So fun! That pool certainly does look refreshing!
Your post just drips with summer - fun memories :)
How many memories jumped into my mind when I looked at your post! MY babies learned to love the water and to swim in that pool...I,too, feel safe and secure and MOST of all loved when I am at that my most unflattering clothing, or is always there with my very best friend in the whole wide world, and with my other mother and father...
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