I hurt someone I love...my best friend in the whole wide world.
My heart aches.
The daughter is having surgery today...in a few hours.
My mother is having a biopsy tomorrow to see if the breast cancer she had 14 years ago has returned.
Someone I love's daughter is battling against an ugly lie with her life.
My head is spinning...my life feels out of control right now.
Right now, all I can worry about is the daughter...after her surgery and whatever the doctor says, then I can worry about the rest...
I know God is in control. I believe His hand is on my life, and I know that many others have been praying and will be praying today. For her. She will be fine. I have to believe that everything will be fine. I am trying to learn to take my own advice and hand it ALL over to my Father, my God, who is by my side through every tough situation. I have always believed in the power of prayer. I have felt it myself. I know God is real, and He is in control. I am His. I am His prodigal daughter, making my way back, sorry and ashamed.
Wow. A lot on your plate right now. I hate it when I hurt someone I love... I know the feeling of life being 'out of control'. It is at those times when we most need to 'hand it over' that it is so hard to do.
Hope and pray that everything is settling down for you.....
Someone you love has selfish moments...and she is sorry. I know only too well the swirl of darkness that surrounds a person who faces even one giant monster...but so many at one time...I know that darkness too...I also know the grace of our Jesus who transcends my humanity, and yours. I know that Jesus has his vast arms around us all. There is a battle...we are smack in the middle of it...I just think I forget to put on that armor each day. My best friend in the whole wide world...I love you. I know how tender your heart is...I know how hard all of this is for you. Jesus says in Romans 8:38 that NOTHING can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus...the same is true of friendship forged in the fire of that bond.
I am praying. I know this is a deep place that you have not visited before...and it has all hit you at once in a short span of time. I can't tell you that you are strong...neither of us are (and don't you hate when people say that anyway???) But I can promise this, for us all...HE will never leave or forsake us...no matter the darkness.
Someone you love loves you right back. Coram Deo, www.bf : )
So I guess you two are ok now? :-)
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