Life is just rarely perfect...my photos certainly are not perfect, but once in a blue moon, a perfect moment comes around. This is one of those times...
The daughter had surgery yesterday. It was not major surgery; it was an out-patient procedure, but she was still having surgery. She was nervous. I was nervous. I think everyone was nervous! I am certain that so MANY people prayed...she handled things so well that after the surgery, she wanted to go visit her cousin, MEB, at my parent's house (they keep her every afternoon after school until her parents get off from work). These photos show a perfection that can only be truly understood if you hear the squeals of delight from a five year old when she gets an unexpected visitor, someone she loves with her whole heart- someone who will color with her after just having had surgery...a perfection that can only be understood if you know what it is like to worry that your child might not wake up, only to see her laugh and play again...a perfection that means God is good...all the time...things WILL be alright...I just have to believe they will.
For other moments of perfection, please visit Stacey at The Land of K.A.!
Note: By the way, pathology reports on both the daughter and my mother will not be in until Tuesday. So, waiting and praying still!
Even out patient surgery makes everyone nervous. I was just there recently with my step daughter even though like you, it turned ok, those two hours were never wracking. Glad all is well and there's happy giggling all about. :)
I can relate to this as well. But the relief and thankfulness when it is over is sweet in that we remember to fully appreciate what we have. I'm happy for you that all is well and that you could bask in the glory of the moments after.
I'm glad that she came through with flying colors! That's a great shot of her and her cousin - such beautiful smiles!
I'm glad that your daughter made it through her surgery, and how sweet that she wanted to go and play with her little cousin. That is just so wonderful...the shot and the fact that they were giggling. :)
I hope that both your daughter and your mother are just fine.
i'm glad everything went well. surgery is scary.
I'm glad everything went wonderfully. I can't imagine how even a minor surgery feels when it's your child!
Great 'Perfection' post. Fingers crossed, prayers and thoughts for the path results. Love the second picture. Such happy girls!
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