He is beyond words.
He has grown so fast, even faster than I realized.
Where has this little angelic infant gone in such a short time?!
He is a rumbling, tumbling ball of energy...all smiles and laughter.
What love I feel...almost exploding!
I sure have! Especially lately with my typical back to school blues. (In fact, I am pretty sure Elijah learned that pouty face from me...or maybe his mama- haha.) Anyway, we are back in school full swing. Today was the beginning of our third week of school, and for me things are still not settled. This is the time of the year that I dislike most...new kids, new schedules (one can hope), new teachers, new administration (this year again)...the newness feels disconcerting to me, and I struggle to get organized, to regain the momentum of last year, and to form a bond with a whole new group of middle school children, who normally rebell against that whole bonding thing. I am SERIOUSLY back at work here, folks!
I will say that this sweet face, waiting for me when I arrive home...it takes away ALL of the frustration, the anxiety, the worries, the stress...it just DISAPPEARS completely when I see things like this:
Baby updates: He says mama. He sits up by himself. He is 7 months old this week. He has three teeth on the bottom in the front and two more coming in on the top. He smiles at anyone and everything. He is THE happiest boy I know. I am THE proudest grammy on earth.
Here's hoping something sweet will make you smile this week!
The real room!
After her 24 hour medicine drip and monitoring, they finally moved the daughter to a regular birthing room- very nice "suite" with lots of hard wood floors, pretty decor, and not so comfy furniture. So much happened in Room 340...bonding, feeding, snuggling, hugging, kissing, and gushing over all of the perfect baby parts that Eli has, taking photos, continuing recovery for the daughter, and visiting with the 3 visitors that were allowed to visit (the hospital has very strict visitation rules since November 2009 for pregnant patients, new moms and newborn babies...only 2 support people and the grandparents are allowed- that's it! Apparently, great-grandparents don't need to be on that list, much to my father's dismay!) We were in Room 340 for the rest of the hospital visit- from Tuesday through Thursday,and then it was FINALLY time to go home! (By the way, I didn't have time to realize that I looked like hell...LOL...almost no sleep, THE most uncomfortable couch / bed, and a sort of primitive shower set up...too happy to care really!)
Chapter 4
Dorothy wasn't kidding when she said, "There's no place like home." January 21, 2010. It was a cloudy, dreary day, but we were so ready to leave that place. The husband was awfully cute as he scurried about getting things ready to help take the grandson and the daughter home...putting in the infant carseat, packing the enormous volume of items that had gathered in her two weeks in the hospital prior to the c-section, and just being so happy not to be home alone...We were so ready to leave. I must interject here that the daughter could not have had better care; she had some awesome nurses that were extremely helpful and informative. I asked specifically for six comment cards to write personal thanks to each one of them!
Home...home was on the horizon!