Sunday, June 6, 2010

Far Too Long

Far too long since I've posted...I couldn't even remember how to log in! haha

Far too long since I've felt the waves crash at my feet and felt the tug of the wet sucking sand...
Not really, I suppose...but it feels like too long. These photos are from Baby Boy's first trip to the beach. The daughter felt sorry for me since I am having to work through family vacation #1 (our yearly trip to Myrtle Beach), and though I've missed it before, this would have been Baby Boy's first beach trip. When I realized it and felt like crying, she suggested a day trip- just the three of us! What fun! He was so serious about it all...the sand, the sun, all of the sounds. Just too sweet. He's growing much too fast for us all. Four months old, two teeth, and at the last doctor's visit, fourteen pounds. Whew! It all happens so fast! Since these photos were taken, he has been swimming three times and LOVES the water. I am so glad; his mother sure was a water baby!
Lots of new photos thanks to the daughter's fabulous 21st birthday gift (Canon Rebel Ti) and more stories of summer to come. Gotta get back to work. Hope you find something refreshing to do this week!


Arizaphale said...

Oh oh oh!!!! You can tell how long since you posted by how much he's grown!!!!! That's terrifying! Sorry to hear you are working theough the hoolidays. Summer school? I think I would go insane!
Take care mate. Hug that baby!!!

natalie said...

Yeah! Look at that boy!! I'm ready to do pictures whenever y'all are! Let's get together and play with A's new camera! I miss y'all!