Freckled face, chubby cheeks, stringy hair, fat girl...
These are the things that I see most immediately in my self...these are the images that I always strive to avoid seeing. However, I have learned in my thirty-six years on this earth that I am so much more than these things...coming to terms with who I am, striving to be comfortable in my own skin, and accepting the blessings that God has given me- these are the lessons that I am learning each and every day.
These are the things that I wish wholeheartedly I could teach my 7th grade girls, my students. I see so much disappointment and sorrow in them at times; in our society we value thin, beautiful, perfect...so often what we are not- we should be allowed to be REAL, and these girls, like myself, have to work hard to become real in spite of the pressure to be plastic and artificial. I work so hard to instill good self-images in my girls, complimenting them and not allowing them to practice self-loathing...7th grade is the worst though- hormones, emotional roller coasters, peer pressure, ugly and awkward- I see such beauty, such fresh faced honesty...I hope that they do not have to spend thirty-six years to learn the lesson of self-worth!
Thank you, Stacy, for today's theme...my most uncomfortable subject, but it allowed me to explore a bit more of myself...for additional thoughts on self, click here.
First let me say that I was shocked to read your profile and see that you have an 18 year old daughter! You do not look old enough! Beautiful self-portrait! I love the way you are looking away from the camera. CUTE earrings! Did you make them yourself? From one freckled girl to another, good job! :o)
Just to let you know...the daughter makes bottle cap jewlery, and these are my favorites.
I love your shot for this week - you are beautiful!
I agree with Khrista, you look so young that it is hard to imagine you with an 18 year old girl. You are beautiful! I think as we grow older, and see more imperfections (wrinkles, grey hairs...ack!) it will get easier to accept them.
Little girls today have such a hard time. Society is pretty brutal on their self image. At least they have someone there to teach them their value. :)
I'm trying to compose a response that truly reflects what I want to say.
On one hand, I so completely identify with what you say. Then, on the other hand, I'm always shocked when I see myself in the mirror because I don't WANT to be this fat person that I am. I want to be medium. Just regular.
Andi, a great picture and post. Just want to say that I love your Friday post and picture, too.
I have to agree, sometimes I think that you are sisters rather than mother and daughter when you post pictures of the two you together.
That's home my mom and grandmother were.
I love your blog Andi ! You are soooo honest and that's my favorite part ! I was just reading through the post before this as well ... the old photo Friday post. We were not so far apart in school. I graduated '91. But what different stages we are in now ! I'm amazed that you have an 18 year old daughter, even though I already new that ! I agree with Khrista ... you just don't look old enough !!
I agree with your honesty about what people see first. The first thing I see when I look in the mirror is a big boned woman who never lost all the baby fat and who hides her freckles under makeup. Although really I don't mind the freckles too much. ;)
Thanks for the nice comment on my seed pods.
What a lovely post. I so wish I could make a difference with all the girls I teach too but I ma afraid I am already relegated to the 'old and frumpy' dept and my opinion counts for naught with them. +sigh+
Beautiful shots of you though.
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