Friday, August 8, 2008

A Few Things...Here and There.

I have never been so glad that it is Friday! This was my first full week back to work after summer (we had five pre-planning days to get ready for the kids)...and I have had students for the last two days. Initially, I thought what in the world are we going to do for five days...and then I realized today that I still had not unpacked two of my boxes for the desk in my room! Ha. Where did all of that time go? I used every single minute to prepare my room, meet with co-workers, and just do whatever needed to be done. Not a sinlge minute was wasted, and yet I could have used a few more before they arrived on Thursday!

Back to school is one of my least favorite times as a teacher...learning the names of anywhere from 90-125 students is tough...dealing with scheduling, setting a firm foundation of discipline but at the same time making them feel welcome and that this is going to be a great year- a delicate aching body getting used to me standing mostly all day once again, and the bladder issues of retraining it to wait until I get a break to go!

So far, these last two days have gone smoothly, and I adore most of my students- they seem an eager bunch and spirited in all of the right ways! I am sure that I will have tons of middle school fun to share throughout this year.

On another note, my parents' house is up for sale! I have not yet actually seen the sign in the yard, but I know it is there...realtors have shown it twice in the last week, and my parents have busied themselves packing up the normal clutter of living in a home for 32 years...making it look more presentable and ready for possible buyers. The idea of this still tugs at my heart and makes me feel weepy, but I am really ok with it...much more so than last Saturday!

I have no special plans this weekend, and for that I am ever grateful! I have a bit of school work to do- work on lesson plans for the last part of August (yes, I am actually ahead fo the game!) and perhaps see a movie with the daughter...if she will go with me. The husband has to work, and other than some light house cleaning, I would love to rest up for next week...our first full week of school!
I hope your weekend is filled with wonderful things and doing just what you would like to do! Enjoy it...


Rose said...

WOW> I can't believe you're back in school already!

Arizaphale said...

I am just catching up with all your news and firstly I want to say I am so sorry for the unsettling changes your parents are having to go through. Like you, my parents are th world to me and they have always been financially rock solid. Over the years they have helped me out over and over again and all i want for them is to be able to enjoy their well earned retirement in comfort and without worry. I am SO sorry that this rotten recession has hit your parents so hard. Last year we had a scare with our business and for a while it looked like we might have to sell our house and I remember thinking like your's only 'stuff' but when it boils down to it you get mad because you don't want to have to 'start again'.(In my case AGAIN)
I really pray that all this sorts itself out quickly and with peace for you. In even these most rotten of circumstances the Lord is still working. Hope school continues to go well. I look forward to a few amusing stories in the coming weeks :-)

Arizaphale said...

PS: Your '19'issues sound EXACTLY like the ones we are having, with a little bit of aspergers, specific learning difficulties, blame the stepmother,own mother lets him down and dubious mental health issues thrown in for good measure....sending some hugs back your way too...xx