In honor of the fact that the first day of December is minutes away, and the fact that I have posted only
once in November, I thought I would share a few minutes of fun. This absolutely lovely place is called "The Hide-Away" by all who know it...it is nestled at the
top of a mountain in North Carolina. This view is from the amazing deck down the drive way. If you look to your right, this is what you see.

It feels as though you must be the only one in the universe, and as you breathe in the crisp mountain air, the stress disappears little by little. This precious place is owned by my dear cousins, E and J, and we had the honor of visiting here in October for their daughter's bridal shower party. What fun! More fun even was what happened as we were there:
I was completely surprised...that just does not happen in Georgia in October! But the first North Carolina snowfall has left me wanting more...
We will be with these fabulous family members this weekend to attend the wedding in Savannah, one of my favorite cities in my state. I am sure I will have plenty to share.
Have a wonderful week...may you be blessed and feel the surprises of this holiday season each and every day!